Sunday, February 28, 2010

Holy Crap.

While I was searching for weird/bizarre things for t shirt designs OJ and I came across this crazy video on some Russian website. This dog is alive with just it's head! Not a whole lot else to say about you gotta watch the video.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fun for the whole family/Happy birthday Little J.

Keeping with true Florida tradition, for Little Jesse's birthday we decided to hit up the one and only Hooters in Utah. For those of you outside of Utah, you have to realize that Hooters is a little more than looked down upon by the majority here. Which is funny to me, cause back home they're everywhere and I've been to Hooters plenty of times with my whole family. And anybody who knows how much I love to eat knows that my attention is for sure more focused on the chicken wings than those super "sexy" nylons and scrunched up socks that the waitresses wear. Little J and his buddies decided to add a little fun to the night, by "Suiting Up". Taking cues from Neil Patrick Harris and "How I met Your Mother" The whole gang showed up to the super classy establishment in full on suits. Fun was had by all as we got fat, snuck a few peeks at some skeezy girls, and watched crash after crash during the women's downhill skiing event. Anyways here's some pictures from the magical evening.
p.s. notice a few people are missing from the group shots cause they were worried about people seeing them at hooters on facebook.... lame.

Birthday Boy!

Ben was a bit distracted

Kyle showed up with his game face on

The most adorable lad in the place

The only girl that came, she's alright in my book

Wing Time!

Sweet hat

He tried to get out of it by saying he had a bad hip

My favorite picture

The picture I was referring to earlier

We ended the night with cupcakes thanks to the my lovely wife

-Big J