Sunday, March 28, 2010

"I broke my freakin arm!"...

Although Jesse hadn't skateboarded in quite a while and recently undergone major hip surgery, it didn't stop him from trying things at the skate park he shouldn't have the other day. Dallin and I pushing him probably wasn't the best idea. Anyways upon bailing in the bowl at the Payson Skate park, his board shot back under his foot and sent him up into the air. It looked like in the cartoons when someone steps on a banana peel. He came down directly on his elbow, and although I didn't believe him at first he really did snap his elbow bone in half.

They took x rays in the emergency room and about 3 hours after the fall he was told he was going to have his second surgery within 3 months.

He's all put back together, but still in quite a bit of pain and his arm looks like a piece of rotting meat.

One giant screw and some bailing wire does the trick.


The rotting meat I was speaking of.

Anyways, skate safe.

-Big J

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Cudi...

Recently Snoop Dawg has kind of teamed up With NEFF clothing, which made me think who I wish wore our shirts. Kid Cudi would for sure be near thetop of that list, Man on Te Moon is one album I haven't been able to get sick of no matter how much I listen to it. Oh yeah and for sure Busta Rhymes. After watching the end of like Halloween H2o or one of those movies, and watching Busta electrocute the bad dude, I not only laughed like crazy, but it reminded how awesome he is. But For sure more than anybody I really just want everyday people like myself to wear it. Anyways the whole point of this is to post the Kid Cudi video. So here you go... KiD CuDi - Soundtrack 2 My Life (Directed by Jason Goldwatch) from DatNewCudi / DP on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Brotherly Love...

Awhile back I mentioned wanting photos of whomever wearing our stuff and I would post the good ones on here/facebook. I haven't been the best about sticking to my word, but I'm here to change that. Being the awesome guy that he is, my brother grew out this disgusting mustache and sent me this pictures. I've taken quite a while to get around to putting them up, but today i was looking through my emails and saw them again and they made me laugh so it's about time I got around to putting it up. Thanks and sorry Robby.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

This has nothing to do with us...

but we really like Kid Cudi, so here you go:

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Great Salt Lake.

Here's a little video from our trip to get some nice photos of the shirts and what we're all about. As mentioned before skateboarding is a big part of who we are, and even though I'm getting old and fat I still wish I could have been a pro skateboarder and traveled the world. And although it will never happen I can still pretend by traveling to one of the coolest places in Utah with some product, a few cameras, and a couple skateboards.